claxton dana

  • claxton dana


This book consolidates our understanding of Dana Claxton's dominant and recurring themes-indigenous history, culture, beauty and spirituality. While Claxton's art often alludes to the destructive legacy of colonialism, it also celebrates the resurgence of First Nations' presence and contemporary identity. What emerges is an artist delivering works of ever greater power and conviction. With her expansive and genre-defying practice-photography, videos, mixed-media installations, text works, performances and curatorial work-she continues to critically reimagine the space of the gallery to be accessible for wider Indigenous audiences and to uphold new understandings of beauty.   CHF.  75.--     Dana Claxton ist eine Hunkpapa Lakota Filmemacherin, Fotografin und Performancekünstlerin. Ihre Arbeit befasst sich mit Stereotypen, historischem Kontext und Geschlechterstudien indigener Völker ...

Co-published with Scotiabank Photography Award, Toronto


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Pep + No Name
Güterstrasse 189
4053 Basel


061 261 51 61